
2017 alien invasion
2017 alien invasion

2017 alien invasion

  • Close friends or family confess to having fallen victim to alien abductions, either recently or in their childhoods.
  • 2017 alien invasion

    This may be a part of your consciousness, the part that cannot be manipulated by outside forces, clueing you into what’s really happening. You frequently have dreams, either loving or frightful, about aliens and alien abductions.

    2017 alien invasion

    A deeper part of our psyche begins to make that association. Alien abductions usually happen at night. You cannot easily sleep alone or without the lights on.Are you really so sure that aliens are spiritual beings here on a mission of mercy? Who told you this? How do you know for sure? What if you’re wrong? Humans are being abducted against their will. In spite of your deep intuition that something terrible is happening, you cannot help but think positive and loving thoughts about Aliens.They’ve implanted this feeling deep within your mind. Victims of alien abductions will sometimes feel really nervous and uncomfortable whenever they try to learn more about alien abductions. You feel great inner restraint and difficulty when trying to research the subject.The suggestion to wait in a certain spot might be implanted within your thinking. On some nights, you are paralyzed with the thought that someone is coming for you.This is a sign that something might be up. During an alien abduction, abductees will have their memory wiped or tampered with. You have inexplicable lapses of memory that cannot be explained.Ask it over and over again until you get an answer. Deep down, there’s a part of you that cannot be corrupted or manipulated by the alien invasion. Read the list with an open heart and an open mind. Are you a victim of an alien abduction? These 7 signs are a good place to start. You have this power! Awareness is the First Crucial Step Humans can increase their mental powers and spiritual capacity to such an extent that they become more of a problem and nuisance for them. Those with inherent psychic abilities will be encouraged to feel gifted for having been chosen. Aliens need a compliant abductee, so the alien invasion will play to people’s spiritual ideals and the need to feel special. Of course, abductees are the first to tell you how wonderful it was. It’s likes violating someone then convincing them you’re the new Messiah. Aliens have the psychic capacity to make sure their abductees don’t feel victimized.

    2017 alien invasion

    It is a deceptive and insidious crime against humanity. Abductees are victims who have done nothing wrong. Those who have believed that this presence is here for humanity’s good must see that this is not the case, that they have been deceived and that those who have been taken against their will believe in things that they were encouraged to believe.” - The Allies of HumanityĪlien abductions are real and have been happening for decades. This competition must be recognized and must be exposed. You must recognize that competition now exists-competition from beyond the world. It can only weaken and divide the human family even further. “The taking of people against their will must be exposed and denounced. If you care about human freedom and sovereignty, please take a minute and sign this petition against the alien invasion of this world. Your voice maters!

    2017 alien invasion